Possessing Your Inheritance, Part 1

There are thousands of promises in the Bible. Unfortunately, many believers don’t claim most of the promises available to them. God is a good father and desires for his children to live in victory in every area of their life. As believers in Christ Jesus, all the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ. We have a right to enjoy what our Heavenly Father has provided for us.

These promises are given to us to escape the corruption in the world, according to 2 Peter 1:3-4. It is through these promises that we are able to partake of God’s divine nature. God expects us to possess what belongs to us in Christ. 

The promises of God don’t automatically operate in your life just because you are a Christian. They have to be claimed and appropriated by faith. Faith is a powerful force that has been designed by God to access the provisions that Jesus died to give us. Jesus’s birth, life, death and resurrection are all powerful events that accomplished something related to our redemption.

Salvation includes more than forgiveness of sins. The work of the cross provided a new birth for any human who believes and receives Christ Jesus. Through this new birth, we have access to the promises of God in both the Old and New Testaments.

Ephesians 1:17-23 (English Standard Version)

Ephesians 1:17-23 (English Standard Version)

Some have allocated the Old Testament promises just to Israel and the New Testament promises to the return of Christ. There are certain promises that are designed only for Israel and when the kingdom of God fully comes to the earth. But there are a whole lot of promises still going unclaimed because of the traditions of religion and the ignorance of the Word of God. I don’t know about you, but I want to walk in everything Jesus came to give us. I refuse to go to heaven and have the Lord tell me that I could’ve had something but because I didn’t claim it, I missed out. My constant prayer is Ephesians 1:17-23. When our eyes are opened, we can clearly see who God is and what He has given us through His Son. 

Possessing your inheritance is first learning what did Jesus accomplished through his birth, life, death and resurrection. You must study the Word of God and ask the precious Holy Spirit to reveal to you what he has given you. The traditions of religion have blinded the eyes of many people and robbed them from their inheritance. You inherit something when a person dies. Jesus died but he rose again to oversee the inheritance he left for those who would come to faith.

We will continue in upcoming blogs about what are some our inheritance and how to possess them, including a list of 35 benefits we inherit through our salvation.

Begin possessing your inheritance today by praying Ephesians 1:17-23 for yourself, studying the scriptures, and observing what God has given us both in the Old and New Testaments. I suggest you start preparing as if you were preparing for a college exam. The Word of God is not designed for us to just admire but for us to study it and do it. By acting upon the Word of God, you will experience the promises of God. This is part of us claiming those promises.

Listen to Possessing Your Inheritance now on Soundcloud.